Monday, March 31, 2008

Suicide Pact #3

I have entered in a third suicide pact with Coyote. Sadly, suicide pacts are the only things that seem to motivate me past my inherent laziness and lack of confidence.

It's a deadly combination.

I must produce a second draft of one of my short stories by May 1. Unfortunately, I have only one first draft, so that's all I can work with. I've been hiding from finishing this thing for nearly a year now. Shit.

I also must produce a new first draft by June 1. That'll be slightly easier, considering it doesn't have to be any good.

Damn it all. Why do I do this to myself?

On the plus side, I get to read some new stuff by Coyote.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When I Think About Me...

Taco: You are so hot.

Wifezilla: You are lying!

Taco: Nuh uh!

Wifezilla: Well, you are hot, too.

Taco: I know. Even I can't keep my hands off me.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Smack Talk

Sunday morning, Super Smash Bros. Brawl dropped. We loved Melee on das Gamencuben, so getting the new title for the Wii was a no brainer.

The kids and I dragged our asses out of bed and hauled on down to Target to pick up a copy. Target opens at 8, and I figured we'd be able to get a head start on the Christians going to church. They still had a huge stack of the game when we got there, and I was very proud of my cleverness... until I realized that I'd forgotten the time change, and Target had already been open for an hour when we arrived. I guess I needn't have worried so much.

We've put some miles on the game this week. Wifezilla even plays with us. They've kept the automatic handicap feature from Melee, so within a few fights, even my three year old daughter has a fair shot at winning a fight.

We've had a blast.

My son is six, and he's started to get the hang of the game. The handicap the computer assigns to me dwindles daily, and it's started to get really fun playing against him.

Unfortunately, I talk a lot of trash while I play without even realizing it. Last night, kidzookie was playing against his mom (and winning big time). He'd staked out a position on a ledge, and every time my wife would try to jump onto it, he'd send her flying, point at her, and yell, "Not in my house, little man!"

I couldn't stop laughing. Wifezilla was considerably less impressed.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Let it go, dude, just... let it go.

I got screwed over a while back (a few years ago?). Screwed over? Hell, not just screwed over... after I got served the whole shit sandwich, they came over, showed off how they screwed me over, and I had to make nice noises about how awesome they were for treating me like shit. Fun.

So I started off the morning retelling the story to a friend of mine. I can't remember how the subject came up, but there I went. It started off as just "let me illustrate your point about this person." By the end of it, I felt like shit and was shaking. I really underestimated how upset I still am by the whole thing. Fuck.

There's absolutely nothing I can do about it, for several reasons. Best I can do is learn from it and move on, and I've done my best to do that... but I guess I haven't moved on all that well, judging by my reaction when I made myself relive the whole thing this morning.

I can't remember where I encountered it, but I once heard or read something along the lines of this:
There's two kinds of things I don't worry about: things I can do something about, and things I can't.
This definitely falls into the second category. So just let it go, Taco. Srsly.