Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Each night, if they've been good, before they go upstairs, I play a game with the kids. They take turns picking the game. Tonight was my son's turn. His favorite game is currently Munchkin (which is an awesome damn game, by the way).

Since it was already rather well past the time they're supposed to go upstairs for the evening, we decided to play a short game, to level 5 instead of the usual 10.

The game started out reasonably well. He nabbed an elf card. I got a cleric card. He drew Divine Intervention, so I got a level. I drew Mithril armor.

He played the sex change curse on me. Crap. Penalty of -5 on my next combat roll due to distraction (hey, boobs!).

I kicked in the door and found a Plutonium Dragon.

Oh. Shit.

Dragon? Level 20. Me? Level 2 + 4 for armor, -5 for hey boobs!

So I throw out my Magic Lamp. Dragon go poof. Taco gets to take the dragon's treasure. That means drawing 5 treasure cards. Nice.






I think I'm retiring from Munchkin. I'll never top tonight's game.

Well, Pappy O'Daniel liked it.

A series of text messages today:

TACO: me.setSunshine(you);

TACO: me.setSunshineCount(1);

TACO: if (Colors.GRAY.equals(sky.getColor()) you.getMe().beHappy();

WIFEZILLA: You = dork;

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shhh. Don't tell Coyote.

I'm finally watching Tropic Thunder.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Things That Happened Today

Difficult Thing That Happened Today:

TACO: Molly!

MOLLY: [trots up]

TACO: [tries to put antibiotic eye gel in Molly's eyes]

Awesome Thing That Happened Today:

FRIEND FROM COLLEGE WHO IS AN AWESOME DEVELOPER: Hey, I saw you changed jobs. Do you like it there? Are there any openings?

Inexplicable Thing That Happened Today:

RECEPTIONIST: I didn't get your RSVP for lunch because the invite was sent to a mailing list, not to you directly. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming. I didn't order you any lunch.

TACO: Cool.

RECEPTIONIST: I'm so sorry. It's not my fault.

TACO: Hey, if this is the worst problem I've got to deal with today, I'm having an awesome day.

RECEPTIONIST: You're not mad?

TACO: Nah. It's a nice day. I'm gonna go buy some lunch at the deli and eat outside. Want anything while I'm out?

RECEPTIONIST: Nothing ever gets to you, does it? Everybody else gets all mad, but you're always calm.

TACO: You really don't know me, do you?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Google Got Drunk for St. Pat's

What Google Thinks My Voicemail Was: "Hey man, this is gonna flake everything fact that."

What My Voicemail Actually Was: "Hey, man, just calling to say Happy St. Patrick's Day."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I think I may be at my best when I'm miserable.

Met some new people today while I had a horrible, debilitating migraine. Made a really good impression, and came off as witty and awesome, largely because I was too busy suffering to second guess myself. Huh.