Wednesday, July 15, 2009

One of the many.

WIFEZILLA: Don't you hate that?

TACO: Makes me wanna kill.

WIFEZILLA: You always wanna kill.

TACO: Well, yeah. But that's one of the things that does it.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Flipping through the channels tonight, stumbled onto Philadelphia. Granted, I didn't see this when it was hot, but it seems pretty heavy-handed now. Were we ever stupid enough to need this kind of ham-fisted bludgeoning? If so, I'm depressed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Charming Taco is charming.

Today was kidzookie's first day of second grade. They don't do registration the week before school like they did when I was a kid, so we walked him in so that we could get all the info we need.

TEACHER: Also, put a Y next to his name if you're going to buy him a Scholaskit dictionary.

TACO: What did you say?

WIFEZILLA: [frantically waving Taco off]

TEACHER: A Scholaskit dictionary. We encourage the students to have one.

TACO: We have a collegiate dictionary.

TEACHER: But the Scholaskit dictionary is user friendly.

TACO: Excuse me?

TEACHER: It's easier for the kids to learn to use.

TACO: He already knows how to use a dictionary.

TEACHER: But the Scholaskit dictionary is user friendly.

TACO: [hands dictionary to Kidzookie] Look up "ubermensch."

KIDZOOKIE: [flips through] It's not in here.

TACO: [hands dictionary back to teacher] We'll keep the collegiate dictionary.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How many cylons can dance on the head of a pin?

It's been a while since I've had a good night's sleep, between plain old insomnia, nighttime nausea (maybe I'm pregnant), and a longer-than-usual rash of nightmares. Fun.

Last night this girl I used to know from high school, Becky, was in my dream. I was pretty fucking mean to her in my dream. That happens a lot. I guess I'm not mean enough to people during my waking hours, so it bleeds over into my unconscious time.

I don't think she's crossed my mind in 15 years or so. Back in school, my mom seemed to want me to date her. Kept dropping hints that she liked her. She was never my type, though. For one thing, the girls your mom likes are not the ones you're after when you're a teenager. But more importantly, her face had no pores.

These are the things you have to pay attention to if you intend to survive the uprising, people.

Always freaked me out, because clearly, that meant she was an early model terminator infiltrator unit. Of course, I realize now that she might be an early model Cylon skinjob instead, but that doesn't really change things.

Anyway, sorry I was mean to you in my dream last night, Becky. When the robot revolution comes, please make my death painless.