Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sibling Rivalry

Last night I was watching the kids while Wifezilla was at work, and I heard one of the kids crying. I went searching for the disturbance and found my son at the top of the stairs, sitting on the floor, shaking, and crying his eyes out.

I sat down next to him, handed out hugs, and settled him down. Then I asked what was wrong. I knew it couldn't be the thunderstorm that was brewing outside. He's never been afraid of thunder.

It was the thunder.


It turned out that after a particularly nasty rumble of thunder, my two year old daughter had told my five year old son, "Godzilla's coming."


Tim said...

Not to make light of kidzookie's terror, know. I lol'd.

The Taco Prophet said...

It's okay. So did I. From another room, and once I got him calmed down. :)

Unknown said...

How is it your kids are cooler than most grown people I know? Reproduce more please.

Unknown said...

They shoot runner bands at the only child when they aren't looking.

Unknown said...

RuBBer bands...

The Taco Prophet said...

I want a runner band.

JMac said...

hahaha this just made me rethink my idea of having a historectomy before the age of 22. i deal with the most annoying children on the planet, spoiled little upper east side brats screaming at their nannies on the train. That usually steers my mind clear of the thought of even wanting children...but if I have any chance of having kids as cool as yours then it's effin worth it.


i like pie too.

Ellura said...

First it was a light saber, now Godzilla. Can I borrow your kids?

VikingLady said...

Dude, that was awesome.

*slip's Taco's daughter into purse and sidles toward door*