Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Toldja I was a prophet.

And like any good prophet, nobody fucking listens to what I predict.

The natives were restless a week ago, and raised all manner of hell at work. Management got cornered and had to listen to a laundry list of gripes and complaints. And things went more or less as I predicted they would when they asked me to participate and I declined:
  1. Management denied the issue existed.
  2. Management made sympathetic noises at them until they shut up.
  3. There was a great big hullabaloo about addressing the issues.
  4. Nothing changed.
I'm so fucking tired of this shit. I'm tired of the rampant favoritism here. I'm tired of being the bastard child of an office that's the bastard child of an organization.

One of my coworkers called me last week to say he's going to take it back up with management, and I gave my "You're wasting your fucking time, you're just going to end up pissed, it's mental masturbation" speech again. He hit me with "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You've got to either fight here or look for another job."

That second one's the row I'm gonna hoe, I think. Six years here and not a god damn thing has ever changed.


The Taco Prophet said...

Here there be rambling (and pissing... and moaning...). There's no real order to it. It's just a bunch of shit I really need to say out loud. I numbered it though, so I can pretend there's some kind of organization:

1. They tell me there's no favoritism. But not once in six years has anyone on the other team (except the one flunkie they threw off their team) worked on our project. When our senior guy left to work on their team, it looked like we'd get one of them. The woman who works on that team cried because she thought they'd make her work on our product.

2. We have no uber-senior guy. We used to. Now he works on the other team. They have two uber-senior guys. But they swear the shit we work on matters.

3. The little Napoleon who used to lead our team got smacked down and stripped of all power in the organization. We spent... shit... over a year, I'd say... with no team lead. No leadership at all. You don't permit that on a project you care about. I can't imagine that situation occurring on the other team.

4. I'm tired of the perception that they're better at this work than we are. Hell, I have that perception. And I think it's probably right. But the reason it's right is because we've never been permitted to fucking benefit from the uber-senior guys here. We've been tossed out to work on our own without leadership and without seniority, and had to figure out how to develop our skills on our own. Not too fucking shabby considering the support we've gotten from management either, I'd say.

5. I'm tired of nobody giving a flying fuck about the work we do.

5.1 The veeps come to town and spend six hours closeted with the other team. We're not permitted at those meetings. They spend 45 minutes with us and don't even pay attention. They check their fucking email while we demo our stuff. The other team comes to our meeting. And checks their email.

5.2 They throw release parties for the other team. Not us. We're permitted to tag along at theirs. I don't feel like an out of place loser at all.

5.3 The veep came to town last time and actually watched our demo for a few minutes. I dunno. Maybe he was on speed and couldn't sleep. After giving us the first compliment I've heard in 6 years, he actually told us the work we do has always been "just something we kinda had to do." I give him points for honesty. No further mention has been made of what we've accomplished, of course. It would upset the stars.

6. I'm sick of doing the shit work. Management says it's not shit work. Fuck you. Try making one of the other guys work on it. I dare you. But you won't. Because it's the shit work, and they're the "good ones." One of them stopped by my cube a couple weeks ago and told me, "Well, it may be shit work, but you guys made it look really good." Points for honesty.

7. I'm tired of being stuck on this shit. We had an awesome project come up. One of my coworkers and I were more qualified than anyone here for it. We'd been interested in that type of work for years, and I'd started an open source project using the technology, and he'd written a piece of software for work using it. Neither of us got to work on it despite having the only experience in the office with it. We'll never get to fucking touch it, either. "We can't afford to lose your expertise on the project you're on." Know why we're the only ones who can do it? Because you've stuck us here for six goddamn years. None of the other guys has been made to do this shit. Ever.

8. I was too busy to do the next revision of a feature I've worked on for 5 years, so they gave it to the lazy guy in the office. He fucked it all up. Then they made me spend two months cleaning up his mess. Fuck you. Now you're doing it on purpose.

Unknown said...

Fucking jobs. I'm a hair away from packing it all in and going on welfare, I swear it. No recognition, no appreciation, no nothing but more work as a reward for your good work.

There is not enough fire to solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

Fuck damn. So sorry. Hope something better comes along, and people besides us actually recognize you for your talents. People that can actually pay you for said talents.

The Taco Prophet said...

I had one come along that I was super excited about. That was about a month ago. I've heard jack shit from them. Called the recruiter a couple of times, and she doesn't know what the hell's going on. They're ducking her calls or sommat.

Fuck beans.

Speaking of which, does anyone have any fuck beans I could buy? I've got this lovely cow I could give you in trade.

I put in my info for another one yesterday. Could be way cool. We'll see. If nothing else, it pays a damn sight better than this place.