Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Time is a Harsh Mistress

I was just thinking about my first job programming, so I googled for them. Nothing. Not even when I told Google to include their omitted results.

The guy that ran the place was pretty ancient, and that was ten years ago. I guess this means he's probably passed on. I got the feeling the software thing was a personal project of his to keep busy in his retirement, so his wife probably let it die with him.

Why's this depress me so much? I only ever collected one check from him. (I was too slack to bill him for the other work I did.)

The animation I did for his software was kinda badass.

Oh well.

I can't remember the guy's name now. Does that make me a bad person?


Grimmstail said...

Not bad, just morally bankrupt you slimy, no good, low down, razzin frazzin, bottom feeder.


The Taco Prophet said...

Oh. Well that's all right, then.

fett said...

Yes, it makes you a terrible terrible person. You ought to be ashamed of was your name again?

Unknown said...

I don't know the names of most of the people I work with now let alone people from my first job. Embrace the badness.