Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week in Review

0 new words, but I'm still rather excited. Started out with a readthrough & editing pass as has become my habit, did some light editing, then hit a section that's never quite felt right. It finally hit me last night that I wrote that section backwards. Reordered it, and I am well pleased. Was exhausted, so I called it a night after that. Turned out the light, started drifting, and a title finally popped in my head: The Quickening of Warren Nowlan. Still rolling it around to see if I like it, but it's the first that I've come up with that I'm willing to seriously consider. Thoughts?

One of my aunts and her husband came down to visit dad this weekend. The whole local clan got together for dinner and then to hang out at mom and dad's for the evening. Had a lot of fun... so much so that I lost track of time, and we didn't leave until after 10pm... well after the kiddos' bedtimes. Ah, well, it was a weekend.

Kidzookie woke up at 5am vomiting and having difficulty breathing. When he started bringing up blood we wrapped him in a blanket, gave him a bucket, and took him to the emergency room. Playing the stoic adult isn't fun when your seven-year-old little boy starts crying and saying "I don't wanna die, I haven't beaten Batman: Arkham Asylum yet." By the time he passed through the doors to the ER, he'd settled down and was just coughing a bit. We skipped the assholes at the ER by the house and took him to a real hospital, so he was admitted more or less immediately. Final verdict? Acid reflux. Who the hell knew acid reflux could be so damn scary? I'm happy to report that kiddo was very brave through the entire ordeal, including when they drew blood from his arm with the same needle they use when I donate blood (though his eyes were like dinner plates when they pulled that bad boy out), and he's no worse for wear now.

We spent most of the day recovering from the ordeal and the interruption of our normal sleep schedule. Lots of lying around napping.

Woke up to find that my mac has crapped out. The display is dead, dead, dead. This appears to be a pretty widespread problem with macs built around the time mine was. Apparently nVidia had a run of incredibly shitty graphics chips. So now I have to try to salvage the important data off the thing and then make an appointment with the techs at the Apple store to see what they'll do about it. I've read that they're fixing a lot of these issues for free, but with my luck, they'll try to charge me for it. So we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I'll at least be able to salvage the work I did Thursday and Friday. Sigh.

So ups and downs and all arounds. What a week. Still, the rewrite was awesome. Yay.

1 comment:

suyapi said...

Glad Kidzookie is doing ok.

Sorry the mac isn't.

I like the title although I've never read the story, but I will throw out one thing - the word quickening brings to mind almost immediate a highlander though. Not that that's bad, but thought I'd throw it out there.