Monday, September 10, 2007

Ups and Downs (Updates and Stuff)

Faithy: the brain tumor is benign, but, as one might expect, it's got to go. We had lunch with the guys this weekend. Faith played high fives with my son through the whole meal. She is cute as a button, as ever. My heart is broken. Fuck life.

Father in Law: though it cost me quite a bit emotionally, I kept my mouth shut as per his wishes. He's of an older school, and doesn't share his tribulations. We've had some good news, though, and so he's okay with us talking now. The bad: he was diagnosed with lymphoma. The good: it's relatively early-stage, and his doctors are universally confident that it is treatable and non life threatening.

Work: my temper has grown shorter than usual with incompetence from other teams (and my own team in one notable case). Serious doubts about how much more I can take. Blue says I just need a vacation. Time to move on? I love Raleigh, but I seem to be employed by the best gig in town. Somebody come sweep me off my feet.

Brother: the wedding date draws ever nearer. We had a wedding shower for him and his fiancee this weekend. I had a blast. My soon-to-be sister in law rocks. Hell yeah.

Writing: I had a new idea for a short story, and I think it's awesome, but my self-esteem is at a nearly all-time low, so I'm too chicken shit to start in on it.

Children: we went by my folks' place last night, and my parents spent the evening making ice cream sundaes with my children. Watching grandparents and children laughing so openly and honestly together was one of the most wonderful things I've ever witnessed, so I went total dad-geek and took pictures. If you give a shit, yell, and I'll give you the URL.

I can't take much more of the ups and downs. Somebody stop the ride. I want to get off.


Tim said...

A vacation, eh?

Come to Ohio. We can have scantily clad pillow fights and paint each other's toenails.

The Taco Prophet said...

Hooray for scantily clad pillow fights!

After the pillow fight and the nail painting, will you do my hair and teach me how to make out?

Tim said...

If I must, then I must.

fett said...

Blue wrote:

You better start writing down this new short story or everyone at TacoCon is going to nag you to death and make you write it on napkins when you're drunk. Then we'll auction them off on ebay and keep the money for ourselves because that's the kind of selfish bastards we really are.

This is exactly true. You better write said story or I will hurt you in ways you've never been hurt before. I have the knowledge and the power and the glory hallelujah.

Also, life is shit. But then again, this is a surprise?

Anonymous said...

Yes, vacation is a good thing. It lets your brain reset, and stress levels come back to where they are suppose to be. I am in desperate need to on myself (Fall break is in October, hurry up and get here).

The Taco Prophet said...

fett wrote:

You better write said story or I will hurt you in ways you've never been hurt before. I have the knowledge and the power and the glory hallelujah.

I'm intrigued. Possibly even titillated.

Heh. Titillated.

Hurt me, baby. Hurt me so good.

VikingLady said...

All I got out of that was that you have a brother who was single (and technically still is) and you KNEW I was single and yet you never told me. I'm at a loss.

Write the short story or I'll kill you, and then you'll really have something to cry about cuz when I kill things it's not fun for them. So do it.

The Faithy situation sucks but a benign brain tumor that needs to be removed is a million times better than a malignant brain tumor that can't be removed. So even though it's a general boo in one sense it's a mini yay.

Show everyone the pictures because when I saw them (At my private advanced screening. Yes, we made out. Yes, Taco got some under-the-sweater action but balked at my pantal regions and babbled something about being "married", whatever that is.) I almost exploded from the happiness sunshine expanding in and around my cardiac region.

Also, take a vacation. Why not take the kids camping up in the mountains where it's lovely and cool? Go river rafting and bring your guitar and play outside and let Mama Nature renew you? Say yes to sex with any forest nymphs that approach.


Unknown said...

Taco don't want none o' yop nasty girl sex. Ew.

Anyway, life is indeed in the shitter and somehow it manages to squeeze a new loaf out on us everyday. Cool people always seem to get the worst end of it (what the fuck, man) and I too would like to remove myself from the ride. We'll go together. It'll be an adventure!

I also fail to see how you can still have self esteem issues when I've praised you more than lost Jews praise golden cows.

If it's the same story from before then I demand you write it because dude, damn.

I have spoken. My word is law.

The Taco Prophet said...

spake e. s. collins:

If it's the same story from before then I demand you write it because dude, damn.

Which one?