Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Best. Shopping. Trip. Ever.

My wife was out of town all last week, so our normal routine's way off. We wound up having to do the week's grocery run last night instead of our usual Saturday. Burn Notice hit the shelves this week, so I went over to electronics to pick up a copy while we were in the store.

There was a retarded guy over in electronics. Poor dude looked pretty sick. He was hooked up to an oxygen tank. But they were playing Stevie Ray on the demo stereos and dude was seriously into it. He was dancing around behind the cart, completely unself-conscious. I shot him a grin, because fuck, we should all enjoy music that much.

Dude danced over and gave me a high five.

In typical Taco fashion, I had no idea how to respond on the spot, and blurted out the first thing that popped into my head: "Rock the fuck on, man."

I panicked for a moment and wondered, irrationally, how much trouble you got for dropping the F-bomb on a retarded kid. But he just threw me a thumbs up and danced back over to his cart.

Best. Shopping. Trip. Ever.


suyapi said...

Whoo! Wonderful to be so unselfconscious that you dance around in public.

As a side note, yay Burn Notice! New season comes back on USA in July. A day after my birthday.

And yes, rock the fuck on!

The Taco Prophet said...

I haven't seen Burn Notice yet. One of my coworkers is a big fan, and based on the stuff he's told me about it, I'm dying to tear into it.

*rocks the fuck on*

Anonymous said...

Its a great show. You will love it. Plus, it has a hot Irish girl with guns. What more can you want?

The Taco Prophet said...

Wait... do you mean to imply that they make Irish girls that are not hot and do not have weapons?

suyapi said...

They're called Scottish.


Anonymous said...

No those are protestants. *Ba-dum ching* Thanks, I will be here all week. Try the veal and dont forget to tip your waitress.

suyapi said...

*tips waitress*

You know, I used to pound veal as my job. Well, part of my job. It was a cold job. They made me sit in the freezer.

No seriously. I was the food prep chef.

Unknown said...

*throws up the horns*

I've never seen Burn Notice but now Taco has gone all yay about it and gotten me intrigued.