Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Search Strings: January 2011 Edition

I haven't done one of these in a long time, because frankly, the search strings haven't been all that funny in a long time.  I have a reminder set at the beginning of every month, and every month I check it... but the search terms are generally just permutations on a few very bitter themes.

Really ought to do something about the tone of my posts, I suppose.

Also somebody is really really into Carl Sagan.  Which is awesome.  But probably very disappointing for him when he winds up here.

Anyway, this month's search string report made me laugh, so I had to share.

The usual... the usual... the usual... wait, what?


Tram Law said...

So... how did you end up included in a porn search?

Unknown said...

I was just thinking today I should check mine to see if there's something to post in there. Out of my head! Out!

The Taco Prophet said...

Matt... I was trying to cook up a smartassed answer to your question, and that made me have a brief daydream where We Have Traveled This Way Before and There is Much To Be Learned was a parody porno with a halfassed Sagan lookalike.

My head is a bad place.

Though that parody porno totally has to happen.

The Taco Prophet said...

Also why the hell did I call you Matt? I don't recall you ever going by that nickname.

Tram Law said...

I agree, Sagan in a porno would probably be some of his best work. I wonder if we could still dig up the old sets from Cosmos?

At least it's better than "Hey you!", which sadly I still answer to sometimes. :(

Tim said...

Yeah! Fuck you, eclipse!