Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Wisdom of Kidzookie

On the drive back home tonight, kidzookie pipes up and asks his mom:

"Hey mom... why don't you have a brother? Is it because grandma and grandpa don't have sex any more?"


Tim said...

The child is obviously a genius!

Unknown said...

Your kids kinda make me wish I had kids but then I remember that my kids would be like me and would then try to kill me in my sleep so they can inherit my shit.

suyapi said...

You could always adopt me. I swear I won't kill your sleep.

suyapi said...

And I agree with blue. hahahahahaha!

The Taco Prophet said...

Blue: Yeah. I'm boned. Not the good way either.

Coyote: The fact that they'd be just like you is precisely why most of the world is saying, "Thank fuck, we'd be screwed" and I am wailing lamentations at the lack of worldwide coolness ascendant as you begin the inexorable genetic tide of... shit, I can't remember where the fuck I was going with that bullshit. Just have some fuckin' babies. With me.

Suyapi: *goose*

suyapi said...

*takes a gander at taco*