Monday, February 16, 2009

Wherein Taco fakes a real blog post

For the past week or so, I've been fighting off some sort of nasty bug. I'm slowly losing the war to congestion, sore throat, and general malaise. Spent the whole weekend hopped up on Nyquil. That stuff is evil. Whee.

My home network has gone to shit again. The bad behavior started on Friday. At first glance, it looked like the network would just periodically up and quit. After a weekend of playing World of Warcraft with TitanPanel's performance widget turned on, though, it looks like my latency just slowly degrades until my VoIP router can't handle it and craps out. I reorganized the network a few times to isolate the problem, and eventually got it down to my laptop directly connected to the cablemodem, which still exhibited the problem. Said cablemodem is an ancient piece of hardware, and the only piece of network equipment that hasn't been replaced since the Big Lightning Strike of Last Summer, so I reckon that's the culprit. That means I'll have to deal with Time Warner's customer support, though, so that'll be fun.

Blue suggests just calling and asking if I can swap out the old hardware for new. I guess I'll try that first.

Ran into a really old friend recently. We talked a while, and he's so pompous and full of shit that it boggles the mind. I find this absolutely hysterical, because I myself am incredibly pompous and full to overflowing with bullshit.

I went to Barnes & Noble this weekend to pick up the new Chris Moore and the new Dan Simmons. They had neither. Le sad. I picked up a new copy of Watchmen instead. Haven't read it in ages... last time was late high school or early college, I think. It's better than I remember, and that's pretty crazy, because I remember it being goddamned awesome.

While I was at Barnes & Noble, I found a nice leatherbound notebook and pen set tossed into the 50% off table, so I picked that up. A couple of years ago, I started carrying a note pad everywhere I went so that I could jot down ideas I had, and that worked wonders. Lately, I've found that I come up with lines, paragraphs, and even whole passages that I like for stories that I want to write, but can't remember them when I sit down to put them on paper, so maybe this will work as well as the tiny notebooks. It seems to help so far. I've managed to pen a few paragraphs of a short story I've been tossing around my noggin for a while.

I guess that means I'm done sulking about all my friends writing better stuff than I do. I still reserve the right to sulk at any point of my choosing in the future, so neener.

You heard me. Neener.

Blue made some eyeball jewelry. I immediately purchased the awesomeness and gave it to wifezilla for Valentine's Day. Wifezilla is thrilled with it. I wonder sometimes if it should bother me that I do shit like give my wife a necklace of eyeballs for Valentine's Day. Then I space out because of the Nyquil and the next thing I know, it's Monday, I'm at work, and wondering how the hell I got here and where my pants are.


The Taco Prophet said...

Followup: spent half an hour on the phone tonight with TWC. I'm actually rather impressed... I spent very little time on hold, probably less than a minute total. And while I did have to endure a thick accent, I'm also reasonably sure that everyone I spoke to was located in this country somewhere.

Tech support listened to what I said I'd done and what I'd observed regarding my network and didn't even make me reboot my router with them listening. They just agreed to send some techs out tomorrow. So yay. Maybe.

The Taco Prophet said...

Followup #2: The cable guy just left. He was very nice and seemed very knowledgeable. For my part, I simply described the problem and what I'd done, then showed him my hardware and got out of his way. I think he appreciated that.

He swapped out my cablemodem for a newer and sexier model. Good bye cream colored boxy modem, hello sleek stealth black modem. Even if it doesn't fix the problem, I got new hardware that looks cool, so wifezilla's getting lucky tonight.

Or unlucky, as the case may be.

Dude says my connection should work now, and what's more, should be snappier with the newer hardware. No time to test it right now, as I'm taking the family out to dinner to help soothe kidzookie's Very Bad Day. We'll see how it goes when I get back.

So far... cautious yay.

suyapi said...

Yay actually possibly decent support! I still, however, loathe TWC with an undying passion.

Here's hoping you're feeling better.