Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm proud of that little scientific mind.

KIDZOOKIE: Hey, dad.

TACO: Yeah, buddy, what's up?

KIDZOOKIE: Is Santa real?

TACO: Sure he is. Why?

KIDZOOKIE: Well, I mean, magic isn't real, so how in the world would reindeer fly?

TACO: I dunno.

KIDZOOKIE: I think you and mom just buy a bunch of presents, and then on Christmas Eve, you check on us to see if we're really asleep. Then if we are, you put the presents under the tree and label them from Santa so we'll think that he put them there.

TACO: You think so?

KIDZOOKIE: Well, come on. It makes a lot more sense.


Tim said...

Cheese it, he's on to you!

Unknown said...

If you see Santa, tell him I said fuck him.

Unknown said...

so did you cop to it or leave it open?