Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wherein Kidzookie Discovers Monty Python

We had the big family shindig for Christmas tonight. One of our traditions is to play that old holiday game where everyone brings a fairly inexpensive gift, and everyone has the opportunity to pick an unopened gift or steal someone else's. Great fun.

This year, someone brought the Rabbit of Caerbannog. My son went nuts for the thing. I was already out of the game, having won a $10 lottery ticket. Wifezilla fought valiantly for the stuffed animal, but was unable to secure it (side note: having failed to acquire the rabbit, she wisely went for the kill on the growler of beer, which she later traded to my cousin for the snuggie he won. I call it a bad trade, but she's been wanting a snuggie).

The boy was pretty upset to see the rabbit elude his grasp, but we promised to let him spend some of his Christmas money on one. I promptly searched for one, found the very one he'd liked so much... and it's out of stock.


I also found this one, which is quite possibly the best toy evar.


Unknown said...

*throws the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch*

John said...

That Uncle John dude is an evil, heartless bastard. *grabs bunny and runs*